It was 9 pm when Meghram (name changed) returned home after organizing an evening of kirtans in his locality. He was a regular volunteer when it came to organizing and arranging for havans and kirtans in his locality in Hyderabad, Sindh.
Additionally, he used to teach the young kids of his neighborhood the values of life as preached in the Bhagvad Geeta. His activities were seen as a threat and insult by all his Muslim neighbors and people in the locality. He would constantly be subjected to jibes and insults by them, coaxed and pressurized to accept Islam and also threatened with dire consequences on his 2 daughters if he didn’t. Meghram knew very well that that these were not empty threats and never ignored them.
The situation and condition of Hindus in Pakistan was an open secret for all; yet, they were the most neglected lot. Meghram had planned to migrate to India at the earliest and had been saving money for the same. He was going to grind every step to ensure the safety and dignity of his family. Hence, the family migrated to India at the first available opportunity.
They reached the Pakistani Hindu refugee camp in Delhi. Meghram became the pillar of strength and protection for his family. Using whatever he could find, he managed to build a hutment-like shelter for his family and renewed his determination to take care of them.
But, the shelter was not sturdy enough to protect them from the harsh weather conditions of Delhi. Since he knew his limitations as a refugee, Meghram came in contact with Pakistan Untold (Jan Swabhiman-Agnikiran) and requested for their help in building a better shelter.
Pakistan Untold (Jan Swabhiman-Agnikiran) made the necessary arrangements and helped to build a stronger roof over the heads of the family of Meghram. Not only that, since both his sons and daughters-in-law had their own families, Pakistan Untold (Jan Swabhiman-Agnikiran) also helped in building new shelters for them.
Now Meghram and his sons live near each other and he teaches the Bhagvad Geeta to the young children in the refugee camp, confident that the values inculcated in these children through the Bhagvad Geeta would help them in their lives as they did in his life.