(Jodhpur) Sheltering Hope

9th May
59 persecuted Pak Hindus (10 families) have just arrived from Pakistan in Jodhpur, India. Hundred more coming tonight. Have no means to build shelter, little kids facing heatwave at 45°C in open. We
are building huts for them. If you trust our work, send your generous supportYou get tax exemption on your contribution under 80G. Kindly mention ‘Pak Hindus’ in purpose: Janswabhiman.org/help
59 persecuted Pak Hindus (10 families) have just arrived from Pakistan in Jodhpur, India. Hundred more coming tonight. Have no means to build shelter, little kids facing heatwave at 45°C in open.
— Pakistan Untold (@pakistan_untold) May 9, 2023
We @pakistan_untold @JanSwabh @DharmaOfVedas are building huts for them. If you… pic.twitter.com/OM7NU5y4bU
10th May
Update 1: With your kind support, our work has begun. Trucks are unloading. Victim Hindu families displaced from Pak finally see some hope only coz of you. Keep supporting
— Pakistan Untold (@pakistan_untold) May 10, 2023
You get tax exemption on your contribution under 80G if you opt option 1 or 2 below. Kindly mention ‘Pak… pic.twitter.com/whW19fu6YF
11th May
Update 2
Pak Hindu refugees shelter building Update 2:
— Pakistan Untold (@pakistan_untold) May 11, 2023
59 Pak Hindus being provided with material for the shelter by our team. Construction of huts has started. More families arriving from Pakistan. Our Yajna is continuing. In case you find any Pak Hindu family without a roof ANYWHERE in… https://t.co/r5CU84uft9 pic.twitter.com/GScvLckFSj
13th May
Krishna, a persecuted Pak Hindu arrived in India 4 days ago with wife & 5 little kids. With no money or shelter, his little kids were facing sun at 45°C in Rajasthan’s summer in open. There are a few hundreds more like him.
— Pakistan Untold (@pakistan_untold) May 13, 2023
We @pakistan_untold @JanSwabh @DharmaOfVedas are… pic.twitter.com/r0iSpd3XCH
15th May
14 More families of persecuted Pak Hindu refugees with no shelter have contacted us in Jodhpur.
— Pakistan Untold (@pakistan_untold) May 15, 2023
We @pakistan_untold @JanSwabh @DharmaOfVedas are helping them build waterproof huts; providing them pillars, bamboos, waterproof Tirpals & water-tanks – stuff essential for survival… pic.twitter.com/ZBpDmaG8oR
15th May
Homeless Pak Hindus being provided with shelter material by our team. More families arriving. Our Yajna is continuing. In case you find any Pak Hindu family without a roof ANYWHERE in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Punjab & Delhi, pls DM your contact details. We will build them one.
— Pakistan Untold (@pakistan_untold) May 15, 2023
We are… https://t.co/QbEKxt1JsE pic.twitter.com/GS5OvZxa1h
16th May
Ram Sharan fled Pakistan due to extreme persecution with his family. Little kids spending 50°C Jodhpur summer w/o roof. When we reached him with shelter material, the little kid excitingly picked up stuff & said- “ab hum dhoop me nahi khade rahenge (now we don’t have to stand in… pic.twitter.com/bJ95hwkCho
— Pakistan Untold (@pakistan_untold) May 16, 2023
16th May
Pak Hindu Geeta fled Pakistan and reached India to save her little daughters. Little kids facing 50°C Jodhpur’s sun w/o a roof. With your help, the family receives shelter material. Little kids no more need to sit in open all the time.
— Pakistan Untold (@pakistan_untold) May 17, 2023
Wish none of these little kids have to live… https://t.co/QbEKxt1JsE pic.twitter.com/9k5PQOKntx
17th May
Our Yajna for rehabilitation of homeless Pak Hindu refugees continues in Jodhpur. Families being provided with shelter material so that our little kids no more have to face Rajasthan’s heat in open.
— Pakistan Untold (@pakistan_untold) May 17, 2023
Our Yajna is continuing as more families keep on coming. In case you find any… https://t.co/r5CU84tHDB pic.twitter.com/YzDHYwVoCw
18 May
Pak Hindu Madhvi fled Pakistan and reached India to save her little daughters. Two infants & little kids facing 50°C Rajasthan’s sun w/o a roof. We have given her material for shelter. From tomorrow, little kids won’t sleep in open.
Wish none of these little kids have to live… https://t.co/QbEKxt1JsE pic.twitter.com/Xl70R4sR0l
— Pakistan Untold (@pakistan_untold) May 18, 2023
19 May
Pak Hindu Kishan Lal (NC) fled Pakistan to save her little daughters from potential abductors. Little kids facing 50°C Rajasthan’s sun w/o a roof. We have given them material for shelter. From tomorrow, little kids won’t sleep in open.
Wish none of these little kids have to live… pic.twitter.com/vWmRmdhQRE
— Pakistan Untold (@pakistan_untold) May 19, 2023
20th May
Pakistani Hindus Haru Das ji (75) & Lakshmi Ji (70) married half a century ago but have no kids. Came to India last month. With no money or roof, forced to live under open sky in Rajasthan’s heat. We are building them shelter. From tomorrow, they won’t sleep in open. Ration too… pic.twitter.com/IEGOT6QlZU
— Pakistan Untold (@pakistan_untold) May 20, 2023
21 May
Pak Hindu Kishan fled Pakistan and reached India to safeguard his family. Little kids facing 50°C Rajasthan’s sun w/o a roof. We have given them material for shelter. From tomorrow, little kids won’t sleep in open.
Wish none of these little kids has to live w/o a roof. Our Yajna… https://t.co/QbEKxt1JsE pic.twitter.com/3dbQMM5TlJ
— Pakistan Untold (@pakistan_untold) May 21, 2023
May 21
Our Yajna for rehabilitation of homeless Pak Hindu refugees continues in Rajasthan. Families being provided with shelter material so that our little kids no more have to face Rajasthan’s heat in open. Relief work is also going on in recently uprooted Hindu refugee families in… https://t.co/r5CU84uft9 pic.twitter.com/lGvnW2paHL
— Pakistan Untold (@pakistan_untold) May 21, 2023
22th May
Pak Hindu couple Dhani & Rajjo (NC) fled Pakistan and reached India to save life. Little kids facing Rajasthan’s heat w/o a roof. We have provided them material for shelter. From tomorrow, kids won’t sleep in open.
Wish none of these little kids has to live w/o shelter. Our… https://t.co/QbEKxt1JsE pic.twitter.com/OFlT1pxpjk
— Pakistan Untold (@pakistan_untold) May 22, 2023
25Th May
Pak Hindu family fled Pakistan and reached India to save life. Little kids facing Rajasthan’s heat w/o a roof. We have provided them material for shelter. From tomorrow, kids won’t sleep in open.
Wish none of these little kids has to live w/o shelter. Our Yajna is continuing.… https://t.co/QbEKxt1JsE pic.twitter.com/NBgudDzsUX
— Pakistan Untold (@pakistan_untold) May 25, 2023
5Th Jun
Poor Pak Hindu family fled Pakistan and reached India to save life. Little kids facing Rajasthan’s heat w/o a roof. We have provided them material for shelter. Hut being built. From tonight, kids won’t sleep in open.
Wish none of these little kids has to live w/o shelter. Our… pic.twitter.com/cPo280gSGK
— Pakistan Untold (@pakistan_untold) June 5, 2023
10th Jun
Our Yajna for rehabilitation of homeless Pak Hindu refugees continues in Jodhpur. Families being provided with shelter material so that our little kids no more have to face Rajasthan’s heat in open. More than 100 refugees settled with huts already.
Our Yajna is continuing as… pic.twitter.com/FUvsDxspGO
— Pakistan Untold (@pakistan_untold) June 10, 2023
1st July
20 More families of persecuted Pak Hindu refugees with no shelter have contacted us in Jodhpur. Little kids are without shelter in Rajasthan’s heat & rains.
We @pakistan_untold @JanSwabh @DharmaOfVedas are helping them build waterproof huts; providing them pillars, bamboos,… pic.twitter.com/uqeneBptnh
— Pakistan Untold (@pakistan_untold) July 1, 2023
1st July
This Pak Hindu family fled Pakistan and reached India to save life. Little kids facing Rajasthan’s heat & rains w/o a roof. We are providing them material for shelter. From tomorrow, kids won’t sleep in open. Helping 20 more families like them.
Wish none of these little kids has… https://t.co/ymDfc4tD5Q pic.twitter.com/GE8lT8Xvjj
— Pakistan Untold (@pakistan_untold) July 1, 2023
2nd Jul
Friends, pls read, contribute & share🙏
We are building 20+18 new shelters in Jodhpur & Jaisalmer for homeless Pak Hindu families & little kids who are currently without a roof in Rajasthan’s heat & rains.
We @pakistan_untold @JanSwabh @DharmaOfVedas are providing them pillars,… https://t.co/ymDfc4tD5Q pic.twitter.com/o3wgFw8NAk
— Pakistan Untold (@pakistan_untold) July 2, 2023
3rd Jul
Friends, your team @pakistan_untold is building 20+18 new shelters in Jodhpur & Jaisalmer for homeless Pak Hindu families & little kids who are currently without roofs in Rajasthan’s heat & rains.
We are providing them pillars, bamboos, waterproof Tirpals, light cement roof… pic.twitter.com/OsD428jiZ7
— Pakistan Untold (@pakistan_untold) July 3, 2023
8th Jul
Pak Hindu shelters Updates:
With ur support, work has begun. Trucks have started unloading. Victim families displaced from Pak finally see hope. All coz of ur support. Still long way to go🙏
1. UPI/ Googlepay: janswabhiman@axisbank
2. PayTM/ PhonePe/ Cards/ bank… https://t.co/ymDfc4tD5Q pic.twitter.com/BLIUZgXV4I
— Pakistan Untold (@pakistan_untold) July 8, 2023
9th Jul
20 Pak Hindu families & little kids facing Jodhpur’s sun & rains w/o roof. With ur help, we are providing them shelter material. Little kids no more need to sit in open.
Wish none of these little kids have to live w/o a roof. Our Yajna is continuing. Huts being constructed for… https://t.co/ymDfc4tD5Q pic.twitter.com/ngl7cHMsTU
— Pakistan Untold (@pakistan_untold) July 9, 2023
10th Jul
Pak Hindu woman Bhagoo saved herself & kids & managed to leave Pakistan. Little kids facing Jodhpur’s sun & storms w/o a roof. With ur help, family receives shelter material today. Little kids no more need to live in open.
Wish none of these little kids have to live w/o a roof.… https://t.co/ymDfc4tD5Q pic.twitter.com/IAPoX7hGNu
— Pakistan Untold (@pakistan_untold) July 10, 2023
12th Jul
Pak Hindu Bhagvati left Pakistan with 5 little daughters & husband. Little kids facing Jodhpur’s sun & rains w/o a roof. With ur help, family receives shelter material today. Little kids no more need to live in open.
Wish none of these little kids has to live w/o a roof. Our… https://t.co/ymDfc4tD5Q pic.twitter.com/UdNxjPMu5W
— Pakistan Untold (@pakistan_untold) July 12, 2023
15th Jul
Pak Hindu Bhanvar left Pakistan with wife & little kids. Family in Jodhpur’s extreme weather w/o a roof. With ur help, family receives shelter material today. Little kids will have shelter from tomorrow.
Wish none of these little kids has to live w/o a roof. Our Yajna is… https://t.co/ymDfc4tD5Q pic.twitter.com/sSDsYJTmYo
— Pakistan Untold (@pakistan_untold) July 15, 2023
27th Jul
Our Yajna for rehabilitation of homeless Pak Hindu refugees continues in Jodhpur & Jaisalmer. Families being provided with shelter material so that our little kids no more have to face Rajasthan’s heat/rains in open.
Our Yajna is continuing as more families keep on coming. In… pic.twitter.com/8x82AALqTY
— Pakistan Untold (@pakistan_untold) July 27, 2023