Pakistan: Hindu married woman abducted by Islamists for forced conversion and nikah

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Sukkur, Sindh-
Hindu married woman Rekha Parmanand, a mother of four, was abducted for forced conversion and nikah. Her tragic case underscores the alarming trend of targeting Hindu women, irrespective of their marital status, for religious and demographic manipulation. Hindu families are left shattered, and victims are stripped of their identities and dignity.
Hindu women are routinely abducted, coerced into conversions, and married off to Islamists in Islamic Pakistan, often under societal and institutional complicity. Once converted, they are pressured to bear multiple children, furthering Islamist demographic agendas. These women are subjected to physical and mental trauma and forced to abandon their Hindu faith and families.
This systematic targeting reflects deep-seated religious intolerance and a desire to suppress minorities, a thought process coherent to Islamic ideology of Pakistan. Weak legal protections and societal indifference exacerbate the issue, leaving Hindu women vulnerable.
Disclaimer: Due to state restrictions in Pakistan, independent follow-ups on such incidents are challenging.
"If you have a beautiful daughter or wife, she belongs to us."
— Pakistan Untold (@pakistan_untold) August 22, 2024
- Islamists to Pakistani Hindus