Pakistan: Hindu young girl shot dead by Islamists in a failed attempt to kidnap her.

Rohri, Sukkur, Sindh-
Hindu 18 years old girl Pooja Oad was brutally shot dead by Islamists in a failed attempt to abduct her. Her Hindu family, devastated by this tragedy, faced additional violence as her mother was thrashed mercilessly for trying to rescue her daughter from the Islamists. This heart-wrenching case highlights the pervasive targetting of Hindu women in Islamic Pakistan.

Hindu girls and women, regardless of their age, live under constant threat of rapes, sexual exploitation, abduction, forced conversions and forced nikah. These crimes occur with total impunity, as societal biases and law enforcement forces fail miserably in protecting religious minorities. Victims are subjected to unspeakable harassment and threats from the perpetrators and the police alike, leaving no hope for justice.

The plight of Hindu women and girls in Islamic Pakistan, with its complete adherance to the ideology of Kafir women being Maal-e-ghanimat, reflects a systemic disregard for their dignity and honor. The age of the victims is deliberately ignored, with little girls and young and old women alike subjected to this horrifying indignity.

Disclaimer: Due to state restrictions in Pakistan, independent follow-ups on such incidents are challenging.

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